A well-decked neck can transmute a workaday outfit into a bolt of glamour says Hannah Betts.
Just as the stopped clock is on time twice a day, so even the most fashion-resistant of us occasionally find ourselves lurching into modishness. And so it has come to pass for moi, as throatwear - in its various incarnations - is achingly the rage, both now and in the forthcoming season. Fashion is headed neck (and wrist) up; the devil more than ever being in the detail. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a column on collars, cuffs, muffs, ruffs, halos and cravats.
Kenneth Jay Lane multi-strand glass pearl necklace
Buttoned up: Alexa Chung offers a masterclass in collarage
Miu Miu (detachable) sequinned-collar cotton poplin top
ASOS bead and pearl Peter Pan collar