models turned actresses

 Agyness Deyn, 28, has been cast in the remake of 1996 cult classic, "Pusher". The Ramsbottom native has modelled for Armani, Burberry and Mulberry, and was awarded Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2007. Her latest role follows on from a cameo in last year's Hollywood remake of "Clash of the Titans".
 Gisele was hot property for the best part of the late Nineties and early Noughties with campaigns and covers for just about every major designer and publication going. Comforting to know, then, that the Brazilian bombshell, well, bombed spectacularly in her first big screen outing. "Taxi" focused on a cab driver and a cop intent on solving a string of bank robberies committed by female Brazilian bank robbers, one of whom was played by Gisele. "It would take a tankerload of laughing gas to pump some humour into this flat-tyred fiasco", was how one critic described the film. Best stick to the day job...
 The model with the glacial blue eyes, Milla Jovovich was born in 1975, in Ukraine, to a Serbian pediatrician and a renowned Russian actress, Galina Jovovich. Acting was always in her blood, then; despite a successful career modelling for the likes of Christian Dior and Versace, she took up acting. She starred in the "Resident Evil" films, "Joan of Arc" and "Zoolander", although she is perhaps best known for the sci-fi thriller, "The Fifth Element". She currently has no less than three films in post-production, including "The Three Musketeers" opposite Orlando Bloom and Christoph Waltz, and four in pre-production.
 Elvis's granddaughter, Riley Keough, was only 14 when she made her modelling debut with no lesser designers than Dolce & Gabbana. A year later, she featured on the cover of "Vogue" with her mother, Lisa Marie Presley, and her grandmother, Priscilla Presley. Last year, the 21-year-old appeared in her first film, "The Runaways", based on the life of Joan Jett, with Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart. She'll be seen in "The Good Doctor" opposite Orlando Bloom this year, and has just wrapped two more films. Watch this face.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has modelled for Burberry and Victoria's secret, and has featured in the infamous Pirelli Calendar, in various states of undress. The statuesque lovely, 23, who is seeing movie hard-man Jason Statham, was the surprise choice for the "Transformers" franchise, after the departure of its former lead actress, Megan Fox. It's the MTA's(model-turned-actress) first film role and she is currently filming in Chicago.

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